jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011


To leave mexico and veyre bernard, the material brouht by the in france and filmed in mexico thet was purchased by bernando aguirre and continued exhibiting for a while.
however,"...the demostrations of the lumiére around the world ceased in 1897 , and thereafter were limited to the sale of equipment and copies of the views that his envoys had taken in the countries they visited. "This caused the rapid boredom of the public, who knew by heart "views" that were all the rage a few months ago.
In 1898 he started as director engineer Salvador Toscano, who was devoted to films in Veracruz. His work is one of the few that still remain from the early days of cinema. In 1950,his daughter Carmen Toscano edited several works on a feature film memoirs of a Mexican (1950). Toscano testified with his camera various aspects of American life during the revolution and Porifio Diaz. Started, in fact, the documentary aspect has many followers in our country.
Other filmmakers that first season were:Guillermo Berrecil (since 1899); the Stahl brothers and brothers Alva (since 1906) and Enrrique Rosas, the latter carried a great documentary about the journey of Porifio Diaz in the Yucatan: Merida presidential Events (1906). This film was,without doubt, the first Mexican film.


According to the critic and historian emilio garcia rivera mexican cinema, the emergence of the firs mexican film was not due to a sense of nationalism, but rather the primitive nature film was then.
To leave mexico and veyre vernard, the material brouht by them in france and filmed in mexico that was purchsed by bernando aguirre and continued exhibitibg for a while. hower, "...the demostration of the lumiére around the world ceased in 1897.
In 1898 he started as director engineer Salvador Toscano, who was devoted to films in Veracruz. In 1950, his daughter Carmen Toscano edited several works on a feature film Memorioirs of a Mexican (1950).
Other filmmakers that first season were:Guillermo Becerril (since 1899); the Stahl brothers and brothers Alva (since 1906) and enrique rosas, the latter carried a great documentary about the journey of porfirio diaz in the yucatan: merida presidential events (1906). this film was, without doubt, the first mexican film.

martes, 17 de mayo de 2011


This project was carried out with the help of the teacher which we
give all the instructions in the classroom to develop
a good job of English.

The project also keys out with the help of students,
the teacher informed us we should know and do to carry out
give us all the bases necessary to do a good job and so
learn more about the subject and all the practices and teachings
working with a blog, through the internet we will be reporting all
guidelines to follow.

When you make a blog with the theme of the film is further expanded our
knowledge of Mexican movies, its contents,
its actors, its forms and learn more about the art of this country and so on.